Prostitution or sexual philanthropy?

Catrina, who sold her virginity for almost US$1 million

You may have heard the story of 20 year old Catarina Migliorini who just successfully auctioned off her virginity. For one night only, the Brazilian belle will relinquish her chastity to one “lucky” fella who is parting with a lot of cash for the opportunity. And why has she decided to do this? So she can raise cash to build homes for poverty-stricken families. Awww, isn’t that just precious? What a philanthropist.

Clearly the opportunities for coitus with unsullied women have become few and far between if men are prepared to pay for such an opportunity. And this isn’t the first time we hear of someone selling the ‘breaking of their hymen’ for a cash sum. Remember 18 year old Romanian Alina Percea who, in 2009, sold her virginity online for around US$13,000? Or 19 year-old “Unigirl” who sold hers for over US$35,000 the following year? Both girls said they did it to raise tuition for university. Awww, isn’t that just precious? What an ambitious pair.

Catarina’s auction has closed with an astonishingly mammoth winning bid of US$780,000!!! Who has that kind of money for sex? With a sex rookie at that? Maybe if she was a little more experienced, but still, US$780,000? I thought the economy was supposed to be tanked? There are governments out there that don’t even have US$780,000. We see you Europe! Anyway, I digress. Where was I? Oh yes, virgin vendors.

Like other “virgin vendors”, Catarina is quick to point out this isn’t prostitution. She puts it this way: “If you only do it once in your life then you are not a prostitute, just like if you take one amazing photograph it does not automatically make you a photographer.” Awww, isn’t that just precious? What a whore.

Yeah I said it. Sex in exchange for money makes you a whore. Do I have a problem with people choosing to be whores? HELL NO!! The key word there is “choosing”. It’s your life, it’s your choice. As much I loathe the expression YOLO, it’s true. You do only live once. So live your life how you want. Long as you don’t hurt others or yourself, I respect your right to do what you want with your life. So what Catarina is selling off her virginity? All power to her. It’s quite entrepreneurial actually. Most girls give it up for free at some house party…which is fine too. After all, it’s yours to do with what you wish.

What I do have a problem with, is people playing the “I’m doing it for the poor, so I’m not a prostitute” self righteousness card. Just because someone says “it’s for my tuition”, we excuse them but we are quick to chastise women who sleep with wealthy men just for their money; or those like Wen, the Chinese girl who was also looking to sell her virginity for an iPhone 4 (if you’re interested, she’d probably prefer the iPhone 5 now). Remember, most prostitutes on the street have noble reasons too; kids to feed, bills to pay, breasts to enlarge. Why do we castigate them and not the “tuition sluts?” It’s all whore-rishly the same as far as I’m concerned…and that’s fine. That’s the beauty of free will.

So, well done Catarina on your desire to use your virgin money (not you Branson) to build homes for the poor…though I’m sure some of them would rather just have you ☺

Oh, I almost forgot. There was a guy on the same website as Catarina also selling his virginity in a sort of parallel auction. His winning bid was US$3,000. A little less than Catarina’s…but about US$3,000 more than I thought he’d get.

Posted from WordPress for BlackBerry.

Be a prostitute…for a day…for charity…we won’t mind

You may have heard the story of 20 year old Catarina Migliorini who is currently auctioning off her virginity. For one night only, the Brazilian belle is prepared to relinquish her chastity to the highest bidder. And why has she decided to do this? So she can raise cash to build homes for poverty-stricken families. Awww, isn’t that just precious? What a philanthropist.

Clearly the opportunities for coitus with unsullied women have become few and far between if men are prepared to pay for such an opportunity. And this isn’t the first time we hear of someone selling the breaking of their hymen for a cash sum. Remember 18 year old Romanian Alina Percea who, in 2009, sold her virginity online for around US$13,000? Or 19 year-old “Unigirl” who sold hers for over US$35,000 the following year? Both girls said they did it to raise tuition for university. Awww, isn’t that just precious? What an ambitious pair.

Like the other girls, Catarina (whose highest bid is currently US$255,000) is quick to point out this isn’t prostitution. She puts it this way: “If you only do it once in your life then you are not a prostitute, just like if you take one amazing photograph it does not automatically make you a photographer.” Awww, isn’t that just precious? What a whore.

Yeah I said it. Sex in exchange for money makes you a whore. Do I have a problem with people choosing to be whores? Not one bit. The key word there is “choosing”. It’s your life, it’s your choice. As much I loathe the expression YOLO, it’s true. You do only live once. So live your life how you want. Long as you don’t hurt others or yourself, I respect your right to do what you want with your life.

What I do have a problem with is people playing the “I’m doing it for the poor, so I’m not a prostitute” self righteousness card. Just because someone says “it’s for my tuition”, we excuse them but we are quick to chastise women who sleep with wealthy men just for their money, or those like Wen, the Chinese girl who was also looking to sell her virginity for an iPhone 4 (make sure it’s the white 16GB model if you’re interested). It’s all whore-rishly the same as far as I’m concerned.

That said, well done Catarina on your desire to build homes for the poor…though I’m sure some of them would rather have you ☺

Posted from WordPress for BlackBerry.